There are many designer handbags from various popular reputable designers, but how to make sure that your purchase is the authentic designer handbag? There are some hints to ensure the originality of the designer handbags. Here are some of the tips to guide you:
1. Examining the bag itself
One easiest ways to recognize the authentic handbag will be examining the bag itself. This kind of original bag might be expensive, but it is really worth the price since the quality is also superb. You can check the stitching first. The original product is very neat that you will never find any missing stitches. The spaces of these stitches are also even. The thread used matches the color of the bag perfectly. Moreover, you will find an engraved logo on the handbag. It will never be only a printing logo.
Other than that, the authentic handbag will use high quality hardware. The manufacturers will use some kind of plastic protections that the consumers can remove once they purchase the bags. The hardware will have an engraved logo on the surface. If the hardware only has a printing or embossed logo on it, you can be sure that it is the fake product.
It is common to find that authentic handbag is from leather. The leathers used are various, such as goatskin, lambskin, patent leather and calfskin. However, all these leathers are the finest ones available in the market. Therefore, it is not too difficult to distinguish these high quality leathers from the bad quality ones. The authentic designer Handbags will use satin for its lining. The manufacturers will always put their logos on the lining.
2. Authenticity Card
The authentic designer Handbags will provide an authenticity card for the owner. Some brands will also provide the serial number that you can find on the inner pocket. You can see the series by turning out the pocket.
You may refer to these couples of tips for your guidance to distinguish authentic designer handbag from the fake ones. You need to check the details of the bag carefully, and you will be able to get your favorite authentic designer handbag.
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