Thursday, April 26, 2012

Original Louis Vuitton Handbags versus Replica Louis Vuitton Handbags

The LV logo was designed by Georges Vuitton in 1896 to pay homage to LV, his father, and the company's founder. The logo was considered a device to effectively protect the company's patent. The unique pattern however has made copying easier. Wily counterfeiters are now using this logo to pass off fake Vuitton handbags as genuine.

Since its inception in 1954, the name Louis Vuitton has always been associated to excellent quality. Originally a trunk making business for the rich and famous, fake Vuitton branched into making luxury goods. Everything the company has touched has been a resounding success. The reason is not difficult to guess. All the company's products are made with utmost care to maintain quality and brand value. You can't say the same about replica Vuitton products. If you want to buy new authentic LV handbags, then, go to the stores listed on the company's official website. The places online where you can buy authentic Louis Vuitton are Eluxury and the Louis Vuitton official websites. Any place else, you will only get replica LV. If you want to buy an authentic Louis Vuitton handbag at a bargain, look for resale stores. If you are lucky, you'll get a sparingly used Louis Vuitton handbag at a great price.

Louis Vuitton along with other luxury goods makers has lobbied successfully to make import of counterfeits a criminal offence. You are in trouble if you are caught even with one fake LV at the airport. While no tourists have been put behind bars so far, a distributor caught with ten replica Louis Vuitton is currently doing time in a French prison. Since counterfeiting affects a country's economy, customs officials are trained to spot and identify replicas. Consider this scenario. You are caught with a replica LV at the airport by a customs official. Chances are you may not be arrested - but the official won't think twice about dumping the contents of your handbag on the floor and walking away. Imagine the humiliation and embarrassment you'll feel when your belongings are scattered on the floor at a busy airport and you have nothing to gather them into.

Previously, only selling of counterfeits was considered illegal. The Telegraph reports a new decree called "abusivismo" that considers both buying and selling counterfeits illegal. If you are caught in possession of replica Vuitton handbags at international airports you will be fined heavily. This is on grounds that you are encouraging crime. You will be given 60 days to pay the fine. You better pay it, or you will find the interest on the fine growing like Jack's beanstalk. If you leave the country without paying up, you face the risk of becoming a fugitive. Is a replica Louis Vuitton really worth all this trouble? Finally, there are reports that counterfeiters use their profits to fund terrorism. Money from one illegal activity is channelled into another. Skeptical? Think about it.


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